Awarding the Best Social Media Reporters

The SIGMM Records team has adopted a new strategy to encourage the publication of information, and thus increase the chances to reach the community, increase knowledge and foster interaction. It consists of awarding the best Social Media reporters for each SIGMM conference, being the award a free registration to one of the SIGMM conference within a period of one year. All SIGMM members are welcome to participate and contribute, and are candidates to receive the award.

The Social Media Editors will issue a new open Call for Reports (CfR) via the Social Media channels every time a new SIGMM conference takes place, so the community can remember or be aware of this initiative, as well as can refresh its requirements and criteria.

The CfR will encourage activity on Social Media channels, posting information and contents related to the SIGMM conferences, with the proper hashtags (see our Recommendations). The reporters will be encouraged to mainly use Twitter, but other channels and innovative forms or trends of dissemination will be very welcome!

The Social Media Editors will be the jury for deciding the best reports (i.e., collection of posts) on Social Media channels, and thus will not qualify for this award. The awarded reporters will be additionally asked to provide a post-summary of the conference. The number of awards for each SIGMM conference is indicated in the table below. The awarded reporter will get a free registration to one of the SIGMM conferences (of his/her choice) within a period of one year.

Conference Number of Awards (Free Registrations)
MM 2

The reporters need to be very effective in fostering online and offline social interaction and intellectual exchange in the SIGMM community.

The following requirements will be applied in the award selection process:

• SIGMM Membership: The reporters must be SIGMM members.
• Attendance: The reporters must have attended the SIGMM conference.
• Diversity: The reports must mainly concentrate on diverse (relevant and emerging) topics on not on single/specific topics and/or on sessions.
• Publication Standards: The reports must adhere to the recommendations for Posting on Social Media (use of hashtags). 
• Overview: The post-summary must also include relevant contents from posts of other reporters, based on the filters via hashtags.
• Deadline: The post-summary must be submitted before than one week after the conference (the earlier the better).
• Length: The length of the post-summary must be between 500 and 700 words.

In addition, although it is very challenging to come up with a comprehensive set of criteria beforehand, the following criteria will be also considered for deciding the awarded reporters:

• The posts have some storify.
• The posts include media assets (e.g., pics, videos, gifs, geolocation…).
• The posts include stunning headlines / sentences.
• Use of innovative forms and trends for content dissemination.
• Number of likes, shares/retweets, comments, or similar, of their posts.
• Creativity and Vision: The reports bring new ideas or identify new research challenges.
• Multi-Disciplinarity: The reports identify and suggest intersections/collaborations between topics and challenges.
• Knowledge Acquisition/Transfer: The reports not only replicate the contents the reporters have seen/listened during the talks/presentations, but also reflect what the reporters have learned and their experiences (e.g., new contacts, collaborations, interactions, exchange of feedback and ideas…) during the conference.
• Open-mindedness and Curiosity: The reports reflect impartiality, express curiosity and stimulate discussion and interaction between the community.
• Contributions of the reporter in previous SIGMM conferences.

A new section on the SIGMM Records website will be created to publish the post-summaries of the SIGMM conferences. In addition, these post-summaries will be included in the SIGMM mailing digests.

The same reporter will not be awarded more than once per year, but the awarded reporters are encouraged to keep contributing during the year in which they have been awarded, as this task is an important contribution to the community! Also, the contributions for past events will be taken into account in the award selection process.

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