In Social Media, a common and effective mechanism to associate the publications about a specific thread, topic or event is to use hashtags. Therefore, the Social Media Editors believe in the convenience of recommending standards or basic rules for the creation and usage of the hashtags to be included in the publications related to the SIGMM conferences.
In this context, a common doubt is whether to include the ACM word and the year in the hashtags for conferences. Regarding the year, our recommendation is to not include it, as the date is available for the publications themselves and, this way, a single hashtag can be used to gather all the publications for all the editions of a specific SIGMM conference. Regarding the ACM word, our recommendation is to include it in the hashtag only if the conference acronym contains less than four letters (i.e., #acmmm, #acmtvx) and otherwise not (i.e., #mmsys, #icmr). Although consistency is important, not including ACM for MM (and for TVX) is clearly not a good identifier, and including it for MMSYS and ICMR results in a too long hashtag. Indeed, the #acmmmsys and #acmicmr hashtags have not been used before, contrarily to the wide use of #acmmm (and also of #acmtvx). Therefore, our recommendations for the usage and inclusion of hashtags can be summarized as:
Conference | Hashtag |
Include #ACM and #SIGMM? |
MM | #acmmm | Yes |
MMSYS | #mmsys | Yes |
ICMR | #icmr | Yes |