URL: http://mmsys17.iis.sinica.edu.tw/
Date: June 20-23, 2017
Place: Taipei, Taiwan
General Chairs: Kuan-Ta Chen
Reporter: Christian Timmerer
–A report from Christian Timmerer, AAU/Bitmovin Austria
The ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys) provides a forum for researchers to present and share their latest research findings in multimedia systems. It is a unique event targeting “multimedia systems” from various angles and views across all domains instead of focusing on a specific aspect or data type. ACM MMSys’17 was held in Taipei, Taiwan in June 20-23, 2017.
MMSys is a single-track conference which hosts also a series of workshops, namely NOSSDAV, MMVE, and NetGames. Since 2016, it kicks off with overview talks and 2017 we’ve seen the following talks: “Geometric representations of 3D scenes” by Geraldine Morin; “Towards Understanding Truly Immersive Multimedia Experiences” by Niall Murray; “Rate Control In The Age Of Vision” by Ketan Mayer-Patel; “Humans, computers, delays and the joys of interaction” by Ragnhild Eg; “Context-aware, perception-guided workload characterization and resource scheduling on mobile phones for interactive applications” by Chung-Ta King and Chun-Han Lin.
Additionally, industry talks have been introduced: “Virtual Reality – The New Era of Future World” by WeiGing Ngang; “The innovation and challenge of Interactive streaming technology” by Wesley Kuo; “What challenges are we facing after Netflix revolutionized TV watching?” by Shuen-Huei Guan; “The overview of app streaming technology” by Sam Ding; “Semantic Awareness in 360 Streaming” by Shannon Chen; “On the frontiers of Video SaaS” by Sega Cheng.
An interesting set of keynotes presented different aspects related multimedia systems and its co-located workshops:
- Henry Fuchs, The AR/VR Renaissance: opportunities, pitfalls, and remaining problems
- Julien Lai, Towards Large-scale Deployment of Intelligent Video Analytics Systems
- Dah Ming Chiu, Smart Streaming of Panoramic Video
- Bo Li, When Computation Meets Communication: The Case for Scheduling Resources in the Cloud
- Polly Huang, Measuring Subjective QoE for Interactive System Design in the Mobile Era – Lessons Learned Studying Skype Calls
The program included a diverse set of topics such as immersive experiences in AR and VR, network optimization and delivery, multisensory experiences, processing, rendering, interaction, cloud-based multimedia, IoT connectivity, infrastructure, media streaming, and security. A vital aspect of MMSys is dedicated sessions for showcasing latest developments in the area of multimedia systems and presenting datasets, which is important towards enabling reproducibility and sustainability in multimedia systems research.
The social events were a perfect venue for networking and in-depth discussion how to advance the state of the art. A welcome reception was held at “LE BLE D’OR (Miramar)”, the conference banquet at the Taipei World Trade Center Club, and finally a tour to the Shilin Night Market was organized.
ACM MMSys 2917 issued the following awards:
- The Best Paper Award goes to “A Scalable and Privacy-Aware IoT Service for Live Video Analytics” by Junjue Wang (Carnegie Mellon University), Brandon Amos (Carnegie Mellon University), Anupam Das (Carnegie Mellon University), Padmanabhan Pillai (Intel Labs), Norman Sadeh (Carnegie Mellon University), and Mahadev Satyanarayanan (Carnegie Mellon University).
- The Best Student Paper Award goes to “A Measurement Study of Oculus 360 Degree Video Streaming” by Chao Zhou (SUNY Binghamton), Zhenhua Li (Tsinghua University), and Yao Liu (SUNY Binghamton).
- The NOSSDAV’17 Best Paper Award goes to “A Comparative Case Study of HTTP Adaptive Streaming Algorithms in Mobile Networks” by Theodoros Karagkioules (Huawei Technologies France/Telecom ParisTech), Cyril Concolato (Telecom ParisTech), Dimitrios Tsilimantos (Huawei Technologies France), Stefan Valentin (Huawei Technologies France).
Excellence in DASH award sponsored by the DASH-IF
- 1st place: “SAP: Stall-Aware Pacing for Improved DASH Video Experience in Cellular Networks” by Ahmed Zahran (University College Cork), Jason J. Quinlan (University College Cork), K. K. Ramakrishnan (University of California, Riverside), and Cormac J. Sreenan (University College Cork)
- 2nd place: “Improving Video Quality in Crowded Networks Using a DANE” by Jan Willem Kleinrouweler, Britta Meixner and Pablo Cesar (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica)
- 3rd place: “Towards Bandwidth Efficient Adaptive Streaming of Omnidirectional Video over HTTP” by Mario Graf (Bitmovin Inc.), Christian Timmerer (Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt / Bitmovin Inc.), and Christopher Mueller (Bitmovin Inc.)
Finally, student travel grants awards have been sponsored by SIGMM. All details including nice pictures can be found here.
ACM MMSys 2018 will be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 12 – 15, 2018 and includes the following tracks:
- Research track: Submission deadline on November 30, 2017
- Demo track: Submission deadline on February 25, 2018
- Open Dataset & Software Track: Submission deadline on February 25, 2018
MMSys’18 co-locates the following workshops (with submission deadline on March 1, 2018):
- MMVE2018: 10th International Workshop on Immersive Mixed and Virtual Environment Systems,
- NetGames2018: 16th Annual Worksop on Network and Systems Support for Games,
- NOSSDAV2018: 28th ACM SIGMM Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video,
- PV2018: 23rd Packet Video Workshop
MMSys’18 includes the following special sessions (submission deadline on December 15, 2017):